Sunday, April 7, 2024

Little Words Project - Motivational and Inspirational Word Bracelets

    Two posts in one day? What miracle caused this? LOL! The miracle of devotion to my business perhaps. :) Well, good day to you again my lovelies! Today I wanted to share with you one of my FAVORITE bracelet companies. <3 I became familiar with Little Words Project while I was strolling through Macy's at Memorial City Mall with my mother, here in Houston, Texas. We walked in through our usual mall entrance into Macy's and we quickly came upon a very colorful part of the store, which happened to be "Story". Story was a business located within the Macy's. Story has fab and quirky gifts and accessories that are perfect for everyone. While they have since closed the Story shop, I still love supporting this business... and they still have their online shop which I adore! Story boasted countless brands of everything from beauty products, books, journals, accessories, home decor, and countless goodies! One of the brands that most caught my eye was Little Words Project. My mother and I scooped up our first bracelets together. I was going through a very hard time at the time and the bracelets gave me a sense of empowerment and mindfulness. I chose a "Fearless" bracelet which was in all pink beads, pink is my favorite color afterall. <3 That was my first ever Little Words Project bracelet and I've been hooked ever since! <3 

    In fact, I LOVE them so much that I became an affiliate for Little Words Project. I strongly believe in only taking up affiliates that I personally enjoy. That being said, I'm sharing some of my favorite Little Story Project bracelets. I don't have all of these yet, I am still adding them to my collection. <3 But these really stood out to me and drew me right in. <3 There are plenty more on their website. Scroll down for my special discount code! <3 

Order your inspirational bracelets with my special affiliate discount code below. Can you believe that Little Words Project also have custom bracelets as an option? Sooo freakin awesome and special! Can you imagine the custom gifts you can create? Or even for yourself! What an absolute blast! <3 I just love this!

Use Code: BAVERYMARY  to save 15% off. <3

Until very soon my loves!

Stay Safe & Stay Blessed!

((( <3 <3 <3 )))

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