Monday, April 8, 2024

Generative Art via Dream by Wombo: A Journey to Japan

    Good day to you all my lovelies! <3 I wanted to share some of my earlier renderings. I've been dabbling with AI for a lil while now and love to look back at my early renderings. I feel one becomes a bit of a word magician once dabbling with AI long enough, lol! :P I created this short lil series in Dream By Wombo. Dream By Wombo was the first AI app that I started with. It is one that I still use to this day. <3 Many of you do not know, but my husband John is half Japanese. I very much love to include my husbands culture in my renderings. <3 I created these to be on the more playful/whimsical side. <3 I just loved the innocent, colorful results.    

    Do you have any favorite AI apps or sites? I'd love to hear your favs so make sure to leave your comments below so others can discover new apps/sites as well. <3 Remember sharing is caring. Sooo, what are my favorite AI apps/sites? I really LOVE Dream By Wombo, Midjourney, Microsoft Bing Image Creator, and Night Cafe is pretty decent as well. <3  

Until tomorrow my lovelies!

Stay Safe & Stay Blessed

 ((( <3 <3 <3 ))) 

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