Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cannabis Queen is now live on my Redbubble Shop

    I always have special feelings towards my art, some pieces more than others. This is one of those extra special pieces to me. I spend weeks at times rendering, digital painting, collage embroidery, shooting, editing and layering on multiple platforms... I love creating mixed media art. <3 I call this very special piece, Cannabis Queen.  Here in Texas, cannabis is still not legal. I firmly believe that cannabis should not be something we should have to fight to access. This healing plant should be available to ALL, always. Needless to say, I find myself traveling to Colorado often. :P lol. I am sharing "Cannabis Queen" on different products so you can see the array of products that my art is offered on. <3  

My beautiful Cannabis Queen is available on many more products so make sure to check them out! <3 Know a cannabis queen in your life? Make sure to gift them this unique gem! <3 Even better when it's for yourself. :P <3 :P I have to post my upcoming mini photo shoot in my Cannabis Queen shirt. <3 She's very new in my shop and recently ordered her! Can't wait for y'all to see what she looks like on a blue t-shirt option. Yes, you can even choose your shirt colors! <3 

Until tomorrow my sweet lovelies!

Stay Safe & Stay Blessed.

((( <3 <3 <3 )))


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